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Week commencing 16th September 2019 - Lindfield.

Welcome to our weekly blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading all about our time at The Acorns and we love to see your comments.

This week started with us making a display as part of Lindfield Arts Festival.

We discussed many different ideas with the children and together we decided to make a sensory garden.

We spoke about all the things growing in our garden that we enjoy smelling and touching.

“I like the bunny ear plant.” (Sage - the leaves are soft and feel slightly furry. We often say they feel like rabbit’s ears.)

“Lavender is so nice, it smells like soapy.”

“What is this smelly one called?” (Rosemary.)

We soaked some oasis in water and got busy collecting pieces from the garden to stick in.

The children really enjoyed this activity, the display looks fabulous!!

We added in some caterpillar pictures, shells and of course some acorns!

The arrangement will be on show at the church all weekend, please stop by to have a look.

On Tuesday we had a pottery session with Jane , the children warmed the cold clay in their hands until it was soft and malleable.

They used their hands to mould the clay into wiggly worms and caterpillars.

They painted their models which will now go away to be fired in a special oven called a kiln and Jane will bring them back on the next session. We can’t wait to see them.

Did you know it’s the 50th anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar story?

The story has now sold over 50 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over sixty-two languages! WOW!

We have read the book a few times throughout the week and have tried to incorporate caterpillars into our play.

It was a lovely day and we spent lots of time in the garden, playing on bikes and trikes.

We made mud cakes in the kitchen and a delicious bowl of muddy banana porridge.

We played board games and did giant puzzles on the table.

On Wednesday we celebrated Beth’s birthday with a party in the morning.

We played games and did some dancing, it was so much fun.

Beth had kindly brought in cakes and goodies to share with her friends. Happy Birthday Beth!

In the child-minding time Freddie made a caterpillar and a butterfly with Mrs Franks.

We played more board games in small groups and did lots of puzzles.

On the little table we did some threading which is a brilliant finger gym activity. We made necklaces!

We practised our name writing.

Some children traced over their name cards and others are learning to write their names freely.

On Thursday we enjoyed dressing up and playing with our new toy ...

Thank you to everyone who came along for the New Parent's Information Evening - we hope you found it useful. It was so lovely to see so many of you there to support us.

On Friday we were super busy creating a giant piece of art. We covered the table with paper and got busy with paint dabbers. It’s the biggest picture we have EVER seen!!

We made a den in the lounge with Miss Scovell using blankets, cushions and wooden racks. It was so much fun we wanted to have a sleep over in there!!

“We can stay in there all night and all day.”

Miss Reay helped us to make our lunch.

Scone based pizzas – we had to measure the ingredients carefully and mix together the dough before rolling it out and adding our toppings.

We really enjoy cooking at The Acorns, if you have a recipe that you think we might like we would love for you to share it with us.

Thank you for reading our blog. We look forward to your comments.

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