Week commencing 29th April 2019 - Lindfield.
Our traditional story at the moment is The Elves and The Shoemaker – We have read the book each day and have enjoyed crafts and role play to support the story.
On Monday we decorated and laced our own shoe. We used colouring pencils to colour in the shoe, used a hole punch to make holes so we could then thread our string through. We practised tying the laces of our shoe – it was really tricky but we concentrated and tried hard.

We enjoyed time in the garden and had lots of fun searching for mini beasts.

The play house is open now and we have enjoyed exploring the exciting things inside. Some of our pencils were blunt so we got busy and helped to sharpen them. We worked as a team and soon they were all sharpened and ready to draw with.

On Tuesday we read the story again and then went on to do some sewing of our own. We chose our favourite colours of wool and thread. We used a special needle that wasn’t too sharp.

We also did some shiny sticky pictures. We used the wrappers from Easter Eggs. If you ever have anything at home that you think we might be able to use in our craft area, please speak to Mrs Franks. For example – if you’re throwing out some old jeans, we could cut them up and use them for sewing or collage. We could add them to our dressing up box or we could practise hanging them up with pegs from a clothes line in the garden.

We had a great time in the garden playing parachute games. We had to try and get a ball to roll down through the hole in the middle of the parachute. It was hard work and we had to work together as a team to move the parachute in the right way.

The parachute is so much fun. We can use it in so many ways. We sat on it during a short mindfulness activity, we rested on it and had a little lie down when we felt tired out, we even read stories and had snacks on it!

On Wednesday we played group games … taking turns and sharing. We particularly enjoyed the shopping game. Do you have a favourite board game at home?
We spent more time in the garden, watering the plants and flowers.
On Thursday we had some special visitors from Westmeston. Mrs Tubb and Mrs Spencer came over to play as Westmeston was closed due to the hall being used as a Polling Station. It was a real treat to have them here and we hope they enjoyed their day.

We spent lots of time in the garden using the big blocks to build bridges and stepping stones.

“Don’t go on the grass, only on the blocks.”
“Can you help me, this is a lot heavy.”
We had fun playing with the picnic set and dolls from the Play house.

On Friday we made our own pizzas for lunch.

We use a special scone base for the pizza which the children really enjoy.
We rubbed together wholemeal self raising flour and butter with our fingers. Then we added a little splash of milk.
We used a rolling pin to roll out our dough into a round (ish) shape before putting our favourite toppings on.

Here is a link to the recipe we use, you might like to try it at home.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.