Week commencing 15th October 2018 - Lindfield.
On Monday we welcomed Miss Jazmin Scovell to our team.

Jazmin studied her Level 2 in childcare at Crawley College and has now joined us full time at The Acorns. She will start her level 3 training soon.
The children took part in an activity to finger paint some numbers, most of the children chose the number that corresponded to their own age.

“I am 3 so this is my paper.”
“Are you three or are you four?”
“I just turned 4 on my last birthday.”
We sorted items into number groups using a home-made toy – an easy activity to replicate at home with tubs and pots.

Each pot has a number on it, the children were asked to put one thing into the tub with the number one on it, two things in the tub with number 2 etc.
On Tuesday we had a pottery session with Jane ……. Her kiln is broken so she didn’t bring back our models from last time but she is hoping to drop them in soon for us.

We planted bulbs with Mrs Franks this week, estimating and counting how many spoons of soil we needed to fill up our pots.

We looked carefully at the roots on the bulbs and talked about how the flower will grow.
“Will it be a yellow flower?”
“Will it grow in 7 sleeps?”
“After winter, it is spring time and then the flowers will get growing.”
We did lots of puzzles with numbers and shapes. Can your child name all of the basic shapes?

Miss Reay measured us to see if we have grown any taller. We keep a record of the children’s heights in their observation books.

One of the children fond something very exciting during garden time … a giant moth!

On Wednesday we had fun playing number games.
We sang lots of number songs during carpet time and counted EVERYTHING.
"How many cups do we need?"
"How many coats are hanging up?"
"If we had 13 children this morning and 5 have gone home how many are left?"
We did some more planting, the children are so excited to watch their flowers grow at home.

On Thursday we did some box modelling with Miss Scovell, we made rockets, cars and buses that can fly!

Joshua brought in some boxes for us to use – we really enjoyed modelling with them We enjoyed more time in the garden, collecting and measuring leaves, making mud cakes and scaling the climbing wall.
Thank You Joshua.
On Friday we enjoyed building towers, drawing and sharing stories. We had some visitors and we made them feel very welcome.
We had lots of time in the garden too, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.
We hope you all have a very happy half term and we look forward to hearing about your adventures.
Remember to bring in your carved pumpkins on our first week back.
We can’t wait to see your creations.