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Week Commencing 2nd January 2018 - Westmeston

Welcome back to a soggy Spring Term. We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

We have been exploring ice this week. We have been making little artic worlds with small world animals. We have been examining large blocks and small chunks experimenting with different

ways of trying to melt or reduce it's size. We tried to excavate a dinosaur and jewels out of a large block. We enjoyed scraping and bashing the ice. We also tipped salt on to it. We discovered that if we left it alone it would melt and get smaller. We talked about how ice was made. We painted it and we tipped colouring onto it to see what would happen.. We took the ice outside to play with and made soups in the mud kitchen. We buried it on space

mountain and filled up the nooks and crannies in the logs.

We have enjoyed playing games involving turn taking and sharing. It was a good way to make new friends and to make them feel welcome.

We made gingerbread cookies. We weighed out the ingredients on scales and made sure that we felt and tasted all of the ingredients including the ginger! It was rather spicy! We enjoyed mark making in the flour.

We have been looking at the weather and talking about the temperature and where the wind is coming from. We even tried to measure the wind speed with something called an anemometer

The week would not have been complete without a very muddy walk to the woods. We found lot of mud and puddles to jump and run in. Despite wet weathers we still got very wet! That water gets everywhere! It was lovely to get back and warm up with lunch. We collected pine cones and a conker that had started growing. We will watch what happens to the conker over the coming weeks.

Conker Sheep had a fabulous time at Robert's for Christmas and he has now gone home with Luca!

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