Week commencing 5th July @Westmeston.
The focus for this week has been Physical Development: with lots of activities outside designed to improve gross and fine motor skills eg for gross motor skills climbing, jumping, running, crawling, yoga and for fine motor skills craft, mark
making and construction.
We enjoyed the start of our week with an obstacle course including a tunnel and a balancing beam across the lava! The weather was wet again, and the children had fun taking turns to jump in our ‘Muddy puddle’.

We loved the children creating microphones out of our new construction toys, singing their favourite nursery rhymes including their own version of Old MacDonald and 5 Monkeys jumping On the Bed at full volume! How pleased we are to find they have found their big voice!

Our Sports Day was very different from usual this year: such a shame that parents couldn't come along to join in the fun. However, the children had a great time. They made their traditional Sports Day picnic, making their own sandwiches, choosing their filling and asking for Butter” and “Jam.” They chose their favourite fruit too and also crisps and a biscuit as picnic specials. Before starting the races, two children found the teachers wellies and had fun at trying to walk around in them, making everyone laugh!

Next came the races and this year the children used their imagination to create their own circuits and design their own races: a ‘Balancing race’ and ‘Bean bag throwing competition’ and much more! We saw the return of our obstacle course, this time with a few added pieces that the children were able to move around to create their own courses. Some interesting creations! Such good ideas....Well done everyone!

We took part in a garden yoga session too. The children did very well at trying to recreate the poses from our yoga cube and were excited to keep trying their favourites over and over again. “Flower pose” “Seed pose” They had been excited when Mrs Irwin joined in earlier in the week and giggled when she wobbled standing on one leg!

We helped our fine motor skills by making our own nature mobiles from sticks, string and beads.

On Friday we took off on our adventure walk up the mountain. We found lots of wool from where the sheep have been rubbing themselves up against the trees.

We finished our walk with a game of ‘It’s not a stick, it is...’

'It’s a snowman’

’‘It’s a wand'

'It's a squirrel'

’‘It’s a stickman"

‘It’s a shield'
I wonder where our imagination will take us next week which sadly is our last week of term!
However, please remember that Acorns Holiday Fun starts here on July 26th for 2-11 year olds.