Week commencing 17th September - Westmeston

Autumn really has arrived at Acorns! Glorious sunshine, torrential downpours and the wind. The excitement of conker collecting continues and we helped Mrs Butcher collect a whole bag of them on Wednesday. I wonder what she will do with them?

Miss Vincent read us a very funny story called, "The Tiger that came to Tea". We had little tea parties and talked about who we'd like to come to tea. We did tiger stripe painting, with conkers, of course! Next week we are going to try and make tiger bread - over to you Miss Vincent!
We have been singing nursery rhymes and songs with signs about Autumn leaves. We are getting very good at remembering the rainbow song with signs as well.

Talking of rainbows, Miss Vincent made rainbow cakes with us! They were amazing. Some of us are very small and we had to try really hard to listen to instructions and understand that the cakes had to cook before we ate them! They grew a lot when we put them in the oven and they overflowed out of their cases! We enjoyed breaking

them apart to see the colours inside and they tasted yummy. We kept some for Friday's children too.

Conkers again! We made conker parachutes that we threw into the wind and conker spiders which we then played with. We had to thread pipe cleaners
through a hole in the conker which some of us made with a palm drill. Very fiddly! It tested our hand eye coordination and patience!
On Friday we spent a lot of time outside. It got really chilly and we had to put extra clothes on. The weather really is changing! We walked to the woods picking up leaves and trying to work out which tree the leaves had come from. There were lots of seeds too. Some of them had blown such a long way in the wind. We had a lot of fun making up songs and rhymes about conkers. One of our older friends said that she would write us a song about conkers that we could sing. We are looking forward to that!

Our last lunch of the week involved sitting near the fire eating home made pizza, drinking hot chocolate and eating the leftover rainbow cakes. It was so lovely!
We are getting the knack of using the fire steels and we are so proud of ourselves when we manage to make a spark.
Conker Sheep has come back from a very energetic trip to Benji's house and is now off on yet another adventure! Lucky Conker Sheep!
We look forward to seeing you all next week.