Week Beginning 10th September 2018 - Westmeston
Welcome back everyone!
Over the last two weeks we have spent plenty of time outside seeing and feeling the seasonal changes. We have picked and eaten so many blackberries! Conker Sheep also picked blackberries before going off for a sleepover at Benji's house. He has been very busy over the holidays helping to look after Clara's chickens. While picking blackberries we were mindful of the fact that there are berries growing in the hedgerows that we shouldn't be picking!
The conkers are falling thick and fast from the beautiful trees along the drive and we have enjoyed collecting them. There are so many things that you can do with conkers! Counting, sorting, throwing, playing, feeding them to babies and rolling them down tubes. We made conker bracelets on Friday - very chunky and fashionable! I am sure that we will find many more things to do with them. We can see that the squirrels and maybe the badgers have been eating them too. Yum!
We made lemon curd being very careful not to grate our fingers on the grater. It was really yummy and it we ate it with breadsticks. Delicious!
We have enjoyed helping to prepare our snacks. We
have been buttering toast and peeling and cutting fruit and vegetables.
We have also been helping to wash the dishes afterwards. It helps us to think about all of the jobs that need to be done that we take for granted.
This week we have been playing with and exploring coloured ice. We have tried different ways to melt it and crack it. The melting ice is great for mark making.
It was good fun to get the tools outside and play with real road signs that were no longer needed by the grown ups!
We have been to the woods several times which takes a long time because we are picking blackberries and collecting conkers. We have discovered that a pocket full of conkers makes our trousers fall down! We have also noticed lots of interesting fungi starting to appear.
As the trees are starting to prepare for their long winter sleep, so are the insects. We have discovered ladybird hiding places and we know that we must leave them alone. Some of them are still out enjoying the Autumn sunshine though.
Have a good weekend! We look forward to seeing you next week!