Week Beginning 25th June - Westmeston

Wow, what a scorching week. We are so lucky to have such beautiful trees to shade us. We have been pretty good at remembering to wear hats and sun cream when we are outside.
We do love playing with water. It gives us so many learning opportunities but above all it keeps us cool. Some of us forgot to take our shoes and socks off when the water came out! We soon got the hang of it and took them off! Good practise for putting socks and shoes back on again. Lots of bare feet - how lovely! It is important to remember that when we do have bare feet that we look where we are going so that we don't tread on anything sharp or prickly. Some of us got very wet! It was jolly handy that we had PE kits to change into! Thank you for everyone who remembered.
As part of a school transitions project, the children that will be going to Ditchling School made

their own owl babies. This has been devised by the teachers and practitioners of participating schools and nurseries in East Sussex to give the children starting school a familiar link between nursery, home and then school. The children each made a diary/passport as well to record any summer holiday adventures that can be shown and talked about when they start school in September.

Mrs Hilton helped us to decorate biscuits with the initials of our names on. We had to think very carefully about the sounds that our names began with. We then had to write the letters with a tube of white chocolate. It was very hard and it gave our hands lots of exercise. Mrs Hilton made a special one for each of us to have after lunch. There was even one for the grown ups. Thank you!
We have been out on several walks this week and have been interested to see how dry the landscape has become. The grass verges are getting brown and prickly and the leaves of the plants are getting darker. We have noticed the conkers growing bigger on the horse chestnuts and we have been collecting the ash keys and the sycamore seeds, watching them spin.
Up on the mountain the sheep are doing a good job of keeping the grass mown short. We don't think that they like to eat prickles though because there are great big thistles dotted about.
We enjoyed making pizza this week. We mixed up the dough using flour, water, butter and yeast. We tried to understand that yeast is alive and part of the fungus family. We put some yeast in a jar of warm water and fed it some sugar. It woke up, started breathing and bubbled right over the top. It had a really strong smell! Our pizza dough rose with the yeast and we enjoyed eating it.
We used a saw to make wood cookies out of a sycamore pole then we drilled a hole through them. We decorated them with felt pens. Excellent listening and safety awareness!
All through the week we have been practising good manners. Some of us still need a little reminding.

Friendships are very important. We have been reminded that we can have more than one friend and it is really kind to include everybody in our play. We have some lovely sharers and it is so lovely to see how some of us are happy for others to ride their bikes and scooters. Thinking about how our friends are feeling is a really important part of growing up.
Don't forget for the Tuesday children it's Rock Star Tuesday this week! Please feel free to dress up!
It is then Sports Day on Wednesday. Please come ready to picnic. The children will be making their own in session in the morning. We are still expecting it to be hot so please come prepared!