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Week Beginning 18th June - Westmeston

We are marching on towards the Summer Holidays and we have started to have visits from teachers to help us with the transition into starting school. We are working hard on our independence. Things like being able to put our clothes neatly together, being able to put our own shoes on and being able to sort ours selves out in the toilet are really important as it gives us confidence and it's one less thing for you to worry about! Next week, of course, we need to bring in a PE kit so that we can practise changing and being tidy!

We were visited by a lovely lady called Rachel who works in a dental practice in Cuckfield. She

showed us how to clean our teeth and said that we had to clean them for two minutes! We were all given toothbrushes and some of us cleaned our teeth using an app on Rachel's mobile phone!

We read the, "Owl Babies" story complete with puppets and we made our own puppet show for our friends to watch.

We have been collecting and identifying bugs. Some bugs have six legs and some have none! We looked at lifecycle models of a ladybird.

We made a fire on Friday. We made sparks on charcloth. It was amazing to watch how the spark grew and grew and ate up the cloth turning it into ash. We had to take care though because it was, of course, very hot and it could burn us! We made some more charcloth in a tin. We also made charcoal, experimenting with different twigs, leaves and ash keys. We noticed how although everything was black and charred that there were shades of blue as well. It was very

interesting. We drew pictures with the charcoal of course!

For our lunch one day we needed to shell peas. I think that we probably ate more than what actually went into the saucepan. Yummy!

We drew pictures with feathers and ink and we discovered that this was one of the ways that people actually used to write before plastic pens were invented! Much more eco friendly!

We did use plastic pens to do number work and mark making on other days.

We enjoyed playing games that our friends brought in. It was lovely to see such good sharing and turn taking. Being told the rules of how to play helped as well!

We were encouraged to take our shoes and socks off and go bare footed for a while! Lovely and sensory. I think, for some of us it is a little outside of our comfort zone whereas for others its hard to get us to keep shoes on - you know who you are! There are times when it is really important to have shoes on such as when riding bikes and scooters.

We ended the week with a family walk and it was good to be able to show our visitors where we go and what we do which on Friday was basically free playing in the woods. It was a beautiful sunny day! Thank you for coming.

Please remember to check out the lost property and if anything is really lost, it will be interesting to see how many things we will find in the bushes in the Autumn when the leaves fall off!

Have a lovely weekend!

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