Week commencing 9th October 2017 - Lindfield.

On Monday we made some amazing models using old yoghurt pots, cardboard tubes and cereal boxes. We used glue and tape to stick our materials together.
We made rockets, cars, ships and crocodile heads.
Thank you for bringing in your used tubs and boxes.
On Tuesday we made pretty collage pictures. We had a huge variety of things to stick on to our pictures. Jewels, tissue paper, pipe cleaners, seeds and stickers.
When we were in the garden we went searching for mini beasts – it is one of our favourite things to do at the moment. We found some worms. They were super wriggly and felt a little bit slimy.

The magic beans we collected from the runner beans have started to grow roots so we planted some into pots. We are so excited to see what will grow. “I think it will be a tree.” “It’s going to be like a giant beanstalk.” “Should we give it some water to help it grow?” We know that a root grows downwards into the soil and that a shoot grows upwards towards the air and the sunlight.

On Wednesday we baked a banana cake with Mrs Davies. Weighing & measuring the ingredients on the scales and cracking the eggs. We used the magimix to mix our cake batter – working out what the different buttons did.

We looked carefully at a big basket of fruits and vegetables and tried hard to name them all. It was very interesting to see which items the children knew. The next time you’re out shopping take a moment to identify the fruits and vegetables in your local supermarket. We looked at courgettes, aubergines, cucumbers, avocados, mangoes, melons, lemons, limes, sweet potatoes and many more.
Thursday - We spent time looking through Freya’s big nursery school book. The books are so special and we enjoy sharing them at circle times. She also told us that her Granny Judy is a good cake maker and showed us lots of fabulous photographs and artwork.

All week we have been asking the children to draw themselves. These drawings are used to illustrate tea towels that we have printed. They have worked so hard on their drawings. Here are a few sneaky peeks … We will be taking orders soon for the tea towels.
They make great Christmas gifts!

In the afternoon we made some beautiful leaf prints from leaves we had collected from our garden. We looked carefully at the leaves and noticed how they are all beginning to change colours.

Friday is World Egg Day.
Earlier in the week when we were talking about World Egg Day, Mrs Davies asked some children where eggs come from. “They come from chickens or they can come from ducks.”
Mrs Davies asked what the difference would be and Will told her “Orangey shell but the duck shell is white.”
Miss Cheyne brought in lots of eggs, we all took turns to hold an egg - knowing that we had to be very careful and hold it gently so that it didn’t break.

We talked about where eggs come from. “A chicken’s bottom.” “Sainsbury’s.”

Miss Cheyne told us that her eggs came from a farm near her house. The farmer is called Nathan and he brings her fresh eggs every Tuesday.
When the egg was cracked open we looked inside the shell. We learned that the orange part of the egg is called the yolk.

We talked about different ways to cook eggs. You can scramble them, fry them, boil them and bake them.
“Eggs are used to make cakes.”

Miss Cheyne hard boiled an egg and we took the shell off.
We also fried an egg for us to taste. It was so yummy! We then drew eggs and coloured them in.
We waved goodbye to Miss Nagy. It was her last day at The Acorns for a while as she is now on maternity leave. We hope that she will be putting her feet up and resting for a few weeks before her little baby boy arrives.

We wish her the very best and will keep you all posted as to when the new baby arrives. Come and visit us soon Miss Nagy!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and remember to order your tea towels on Monday.