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Week commencing 11th September 2017 - Lindfield.

This week we focused on Personal, Social and Emotional Development – Self confidence and self-awareness.

The new children are all settling in and we have enjoyed watching them as they grow in confidence.

It’s been a busy week with lots of fun, games and laughter.

Some children went out for a lovely walk to the village. They all held on to the magic rope which helps to keep them safe and they used good listening ears to listen out for traffic.

We like walking in the village, we learn so much about the world around us while we are out. We look at house numbers, road signs, we look at the displays in shop windows and we say hello to everyone who passes by.

We got to feed the ducks and we went into the local shop.

We tried hard to name all the vegetables.

Do the children help with shopping at home?

We had a drink and a snack while sitting on the bench by the pond. It was a lovely sunny day.

We baked some fairy cakes, carefully weighing and measuring the ingredients from the recipe. We had to carefully spoon the mixture into little paper cases and Miss Cheyne put them in the oven for 15 minutes. This seemed like an awfully long time to wait but it was worth it because they were yummy!

We have spent a lot of time in the garden playing and exploring. On Tuesday we had to shelter from the rain under the pirate ship. It was quite exciting - we pretended we were looking for treasure!

We have made mud pies in the mud kitchen and practised throwing and catching balls. We rode on bikes and trikes and drew pictures with chalk on the giant chalking board.

We have been doing lots of craft activities. We made hickory dickory dock clocks, incey wincey webs and humpty dumpty pictures. We also made some hand prints, potato prints and sticky collage pictures. Please come and have a look at our displays.

Please remember to pack an apron for us to wear while we are painting.

Each day we have been singing and telling stories - We have enjoyed learning traditional nursery rhymes. What is your favourite nursery rhyme?

The letter of the week is ‘K’ It was quite tricky for us to think about things that begin with that letter.

Kite, Kilt, Kitten, Kucumber, Koala, Kipper. (Spot the mistake.)

Next week our letter of the week will be ‘L’

Our focus will be Communication and Language – listening and attention.

Please bring in your favourite story books for us to read.

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