Week commencing 3rd July 2017 - Lindfield.
This week we focused on Communication and Language – Speaking.
On Monday the children who went out walking enjoyed a listening game – they listened carefully to the sounds in their environment and guessed what they might be.
They heard lots of sounds, a thump, the wind blowing, leaves crunching, footsteps, a car passing by and a loud chainsaw when they walked past someone who was working in a garden.
Lochy said, “I can hear an owl.” We thought about it for a while and talked about owls and how they only come out at night time so we made some more guesses as to what the noise could be. What do you think?
The children who stayed at The Acorns explored the puppet theatre. They used hand puppets and their voices to put on a show for us to watch. They used their imagination to make up characters and scenarios and narrated their show. It was great.
On Tuesday we had a pottery session with Jane. We each made a beautiful butterfly. Jane puts our models into a special oven that is called a kiln, when they come out they are hard and shiny. She brought us back the pottery we made last time.
Wednesday was Sports Day – In the morning we made ourselves a picnic lunch to take with us, the children decided what they would like in their sandwiches.
Ham, Cheese, Marmite, Jam or a combination of them all.
Miss Cheyne had to convince the children that Jam and Ham might not taste very nice together.

It was a hot sunny day but everyone managed to find a shady spot to sit for lunch before the races began.
Ready … Steady … GO!
The children threw beanbags, raced with a partner, jumped like kangaroos and ran as fast as they could whilst wearing really funny hats.
At the end they raced with their Mummies and Daddies.
Everyone was smiling and laughing, fun was had and happy memories were made.
Thank you to everyone who came along to support the children on the day.
The traditional story this week is The Little Red Hen and on Thursday Miss Reay planned a great activity for the children. They made their own little red hen pictures using their hands.

We spent lots of time in the garden this week, the weather has been beautiful.
Our flowers and vegetables are growing and we have been helping to keep them watered. We have lots of plums on the tree and the tomatoes will soon start to turn red.

Look how tall our sunflower has grown. Mrs Irwin will have to look after it for us during the holiday. We think it might grow all the way up to the clouds.

We went exploring for treasure indoors and used the binoculars and magnifying glasses. The children searched high and low but we think the pirates might have got to the gold before us!!

On Friday some of the children went for an early walk to the park at Pickers Green. On the way they saw a black bird with an orange beak, it was pecking at the ground and hopping around. Can you guess what it had in its mouth? I’ll give you a clue – It was something long and wriggly.
We welcomed some children for a settling in visit who will be joining us in September – they had lots of fun exploring both indoors and out and we look forward to seeing them again after the holidays.
Felix the bear has been on some amazing adventures, he returned from his camping trip with Edie on Monday and then he went home with Bonnie for a few days. He went to visit Lindfield Primary School for a story and he even has his picture taken with Miss Dewdney. Today he will be going home with Freya for the weekend – we can’t wait to see what he gets up to.
Next week – Last week of term.
Please remember that Lindfield is closed on Friday and that all children are to attend Westmeston for the day. Drop off and pick up times are as normal.
The leavers party will take place at Westmeston on Friday between 2 - 4pm.
We hope that all of our school leavers will come along to join in with the fun.