Week Commencing 8th May 2017 - Westmeston
This week we have been looking at Communication and Language – Understanding. We have been doing lots of activities to see how good we are at understanding instructions and following them.
We have extended our Police interest theme to include a speed camera. I’m not sure that any of us realised it was a speed camera so we used it as a telescope to look for pirates. We did enjoy sitting in the Police car though (made from cardboard)!
We have practised writing our names inside and outside. We are always given opportunities to mark make everywhere - in shaving foam and even on large sheets of paper taped to the floor. We enjoyed attaching pegs onto a tray to strengthen our fingers and to help us achieve the right position to hold our pencils with.
We did a science experiment to see how we could turn an egg into a bouncy ball. It took a day and a night of soaking the egg in vinegar. The next day we were surprised to find that the shell had dissolved leaving the egg intact inside its membrane. It felt very soft. It wasn’t quite a bouncy ball because it burst when we dropped it! Not all of us wanted to touch it and it smelled of vinegar!
We reinforced our number recognition by fishing for numbered balls. The fishing turned into racing the balls down gutters.
We made Gruffalo snakes out of paper plates.
In the woods we talked about fire, what it needed to burn and how we must respect it. We listened very carefully to each other as we discussed what we needed to do keep us safe. We all helped to make some rules. We then made sparks with fire steels – it was like magic!
On Thursday, we all took turns at telling stories. We enjoyed sitting on the chair while our friends listened to us. We also had a mini disco, well it ended up being Miss Edwards and Isabella dancing away on a stage they had made! We have also been
making dens.
We went a bit Moana mad on Friday when Miss Vincent brought in a sail which we turned into a boat. With the soundtrack in the back ground some of us took to the high seas in the boat. Some
of us eventually turned the boat into a comfy bed. We were allowed to watch little bits of the DVD on the laptop with Miss Vincent giving us a voiceover. It was beautiful. We took the sail outside and made another boat out of a pallet and the play continued.
We went to the woods again and we made crowns out of sticky weed. How clever the plants must be to be able to stick to our clothes and the fur of animals so that the seeds can be spread to other places. The stinging nettles are growing very tall and we are having to do "sausage walking" to stop ourselves getting stung. We noticed that the sheep in the field next to us had been shorn. We wondered how they would still keep warm as they stood in the rain! They looked much smaller without their woolly coats.
What a busy week! Next week our focus will be on Understanding the World – The World and the letter of the week will be Cc. Conker Sheep continues to have fabulous adventures at all of our houses. His latest adventures have been with Morgan and then Tom. Oh we do love reading the diary! This week he has gone to Miss Vincent's house because he is going to have a look at Florence's school just like some of us have been looking at our school! See you next week!